Hudson's Birth Story: Cincinnati Birth Photographer
There is something so special about photographing the birth of a family member. This birth, for me, was extra special. Tia, is my little sister. She’s 8 years younger than me and has always been equal parts sister and child. I helped raise her. I got in trouble because I acted like she was mine and was often reminded by our mother that SHE indeed was the mother and not I. Tia’s the person who made me want to be a mom. She’s the person that gave me the most grief and also taught me about fierce unconditional love. She is an incredible person and mother and I have never seen someone want a child more than she wanted this baby boy.
At 37 weeks she developed Cholestatis and this little guy was immediately scheduled for a belly birth. Turns out he was 9 lb of perfection. Welcome to the world Hudson. You are more loved than you could know and so lucky to be born into a family with not only a mom, dad, and big sister who adore you, but an extended family that is already so in love with your chunky thighs. We can’t wait to watch you grow.
Aunt Stacey